Does God still speak today?
How does he speak?
If he spoke to me how will I know know its him?
Maybe you have never heard from the Lord in a personal way and would like to have the experience. Well here is a way to correct the situation. I am going to give you a surefire guaranteed never know to fail way to hear from our God.
But first a few thoughts on the subject . . .
Jesus said in John 10/27 “my sheep hear my voice” That was following the parable of himself being our shepherd. So this is not some strange thing. It should be normal.
He speaks of himself himself throughout the bible as the “living God” in contrast to the dumb idols.
We find from the beginning of creation God speaking. After the fall to Cain. At the flood to Noah. Samuel, David and all the prophets. And not just to prophets. We see him speaking to a righteous man in Luke 2/25-26. Recorded in the New Testament but under the old dispensation.
In church history examples abound. All the reformers. Read a book like “2000 years of Charismatic History” We even find him calling to his people in Rev. 18/4 just prior to the destruction of Babylon at the end of time. All through the New Testament world as well of course. But for some reason we're told he doesn't speak to us today. Well I beg to differ. I personally could give many egs. I will give one later.
So how does God speak? There were many ways in the bible. Let me give a few. I also should say that along with this some care is needed.
Through the bible. Obviously
Circumstances. Sometimes its just obvious this is the way to go. Care is certainly needed here but if you're walking with the Lord then you should be able to discern that it isn't just circumstances but the Lord leading.
An inward impression in the heart. Many years ago getting ready for work I was strongly impressed in my heart to ask for special protection for the day. Which along with my family I did. At the time I worked in a profession that had some dangerous aspects to it. On 2 occasions that day I was “almost” seriously hurt. I believe that through the Lord speaking to me I was delivered.
An inward voice. I have had this happen on numerous occasions as has most of my acquaintance.
Like all the prophets a voice in ones ear. Still waiting on this one I'm sure it is coming soon.
If he spoke to me how will I know know its him? Good question and it deserves an answer. So I will give you the one he directly gave to me.
Many years ago back in my fabled youth I was seriously desiring to walk close to the Lord. So I was praying and reading my bible much and I thought I was hearing from the Lord but wasn't sure. So I decided to attend this christian meeting nearby where a man was preaching. He apparently was getting serious answers to prayer when he prayed for people. So I resolved to ask him. I told him I thought I was hearing from the Lord but wasn't sure could he tell me if It was the Lord. That was me. Zealous but young and foolish. I could see the look on his face. It was “how am I supposed to know?” He opened his mouth to say just that and one of those special things that only God can do happened. The Holy Spirit using the mans mouth and voice spoke directly to me. He said quote
“ The amount of time you spend with me is how you will learn to discern my voice”
Let me say it may have been kind of a dumb question but it was the cry of a heart that wanted to follow Jesus and he met me there.
So if you're not hearing from the Lord maybe there is a reason why not.
Because you don't believe he will. Because you've been taught he doesn't do that any more.
Because you're not spending time with him. Or not enough.
Maybe because you're not listening. Or not obeying what you hear.
Or possibly because you're afraid. What a shame! Afraid of the one who died for you.
Or maybe because you haven't asked him to. John 16/24
OK I said there is a way to correct the situation. A guaranteed surefire never known to fail way to have the Lord speak to you. Here it is.
Go and ask him for some advice.
Who do you know that can resist giving advice? Well he is no different. He likes to give out his wisdom. He has lots of it and likes to share. He knows all about everything. Big and small. Whatever it is. Go and ask.
Care is obviously needed here. Not every feeling or impression is the Lord. But If you're a child of God then you should expect to be able to hear from the Lord. Jesus said “my sheep hear my voice” When you go ask him for advice take that verse with you. Remind him of that and then state your question.
Thanks Mark,
Good word !
Great advice Mark! Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts in this new format!